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Please find comfort in your loss with our memorial page.
Click on the picture to read a little more about each beloved 4-legged family member


Nov 1999 - June 2016

Our Beloved Tasha (Nov 1999 to June 2016)
Our sincere thanks to all of the Veterinarians (especially Dr. Shaneen Kennedy), all of the RVT's, as well as the administrative staff at Southside Animal Clinic for their wonderful, compassionate care of Tasha over almost 17 years. We were truly blessed to have her as long as we did, and that is in no small part due to the excellent care she received from the entire clinic. Thank you again. Shirley and Joe Ferriggi



Our beloved dog of 17 years was sadly sent to the rainbow bridge on feb 14/20
She had a long and good life full of treats, love, and cuddles
She was a feisty little girl who would tell her human dad to hurry up to bed or take her for her walk
She loved car rides going to the trailer or just a ride around the block
She will be sadly missed by her human mommy, human sister, and her human daddy

Thank- you to the Southside Animal Clinic



Twelve years ago, Charlie walked into our lives and melted our hearts.
A few months after rescuing Charlie, we rescued a beautiful girl, Brooklyn.
They have spent most of their lives together, now that has changed.
For a little guy, he sure made his presence known.
Charlie Boy, - was Personality Plus!
Favorite times, from demanding breakfast, bird watching
racing around the house, with Brooklyn, to after dinner snuggles.
He wasn't terribly fond of people, but his favorite person, besides us,
was his Grandma Marilyn.
March 4th - 2020, we said our good-byes!
"Born of the stars - we go back to the Stars"
Charlie - You will be dearly missed!
We LoveYou!!!



Bibit died on Wednesday, February 13, 2020, after dealing with complications from a kidney tumour. He was 17 years old.
He was a happy cat that loved and was loved unconditionally. He enjoyed his daily routine with his Mom and his nightly routine with his Dad (see picture). His nickname was Bibit "The Great" because he was truly great in every way. He will be missed by his adopted brothers, Organique and Pitwo, and will never be forgotten by those who had the opportunity to meet him. We love you Bibit…Always and forever.
Many thanks goes out to Karen Lucas and her incredible staff for their kindness and care on what was a very difficult day.
Love Serena and Jamaal



Teesha. Teesha was the sweetest little girl and brought such joy to her mommy and daddy. She loved her baby toys and snuggles from dad. We were blessed to have her for 14 years and are heartbroken that she had to leave. We miss you Teetee.



Toshi. Toshi was mommy's "best dog". There will never be another dog like you. I will miss our trips to Timmy's, your "trick" and your incredible, unwavering loyalty. I miss you sweet boy.



Big loss in our fur family today
Sage our brother passed away
So many hearts he touched
In 11 yrs he went thru so much
He was a fun playful boy
But we could never touch his toy
Then Sage became humble and weak
His illness he could not beat
Mom and Vets tried to save him
But his illness overcame him
We can see Moms eyes
It was hard to say her GOODBYES!



We had to say good bye to our fur baby. We had 15 years with the best dog we could ever hope for. She was always by our side in her quiet way, she loved just being with us. So much love and so many memories that we will always cherish. We miss you more than words can say. Cross the rainbow bridge Tonka...our love goes with you forever.


August 6, 2009- February 20, 2020

Our beloved Finnegan passed away on Thursday February 20, 2020 surrounded by his loved ones after a brief battle with cancer. He was 10 years old.
Finnegan was one of 10 puppies. His aunt had also had a litter of 9 puppies at the same time! Our first time meeting Finnegan, there were 19 puppies running around!
Finnegan was born on a farm in a small town of Dublin, Ontario, just past Stratford.
We chose Finnegan because he was one of the calmest and laid back of all the puppies. This was his temperament for his entire life.
Finnegan was our first (fur) baby before having our children.
He was a kind and gentle soul. He was such a good dog with his human brother (Lucas) and human sister (Sadie).
You would never have guess that he was 10 because he acted like a puppy! Always wanting to run and play with anyone willing.
Finnegan will be greatly cherished and his time spent with us will never be forgotten. We will miss him dearly.
He took a piece of our heart with him when he left.

Morgan, Jason, Lucas and Sadie Bissell



April 5th we said goodbye to our best fur friend. She was a big part of our family. Even though we owned her, she was often referred to as "everybody's dog". She loved all people and all people loved her. She had a great life and because of her, so did we.

Thank you for the care you provided to Abby. Your care and compassion for our fur friends is evident and will never be forgotten.

Natalie Trimble and Family



This is Teyha She will be very much missed. Best friend ever.



How lucky we were to have you as part of our family for 12 of your 15 years. Sometimes you would escape from the back yard - just so you could meet your girl when she came home from school. We miss the happy thump of your tail every time we walk in the door and the way you would tilt your head when we spoke to you. RIP beautiful girl; we will love you forever.



We adopted Charlie from The London Animal Care Center in January 2013. He was a loveable, playful dog and immediately became a member of our family. Charlie loved playing in the lake, chasing after balls, making snow angels, cuddling with anyone who was willing and talking for his Timbits. We wish to thank the veterinarians (especially Dr. Kennedy) and all the staff for the great care you had for Charlie. He will be greatly missed. Thank you. The Sutherland family.



Zadaneya, on June 15, 2020 in her seventh year passed peacefully outside with the sun shining and surrounded by family after battling osteosarcoma.
Zadaneya was the sweetest, loving girl who loved to run, roll in the grass and bask in the sun on warm days. She will forever be in our hearts.
We will see you again someday at the rainbow bridge.



Ruby Beaulieu passed away peacefully at Southside Animal Clinic on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from diabetic complications. She will be missed by her human papa (Real) and human Mama (Donna) plus the rest of the family, including her fur cousins Sabby and Lily.
Ruby lived a comfortable, loved and mostly spoiled 1 years. She loved her brushings and her toys. She showed nothing less than true companionship to her beloved Papa, she was royalty and will never be forgotten. May you forever Rest In Peace knowing you gave your all land stayed strong until the end.
The family gratefully thanks Dr. Natalie Jones and the Team at Southside Animal Clinic. Your professionalism, kindness and compassion during this difficult time is appreciated more than words could truly express.



My girl Daisy,
I rescued her about 4 years ago, she was the sassiest girl who was obsessed with her tennis balls, blanket and loved her wagon rides. She is missed by her mom and fur brother Thunder. Thank you, Southside Animal Clinic, for taking care of my girl.



It is not surprising that Madge would leave this world for having a heart that was too big.
She only ever really wanted love. Her favourite spot was right next to you and she did her best to imitate our kissing noises. She'd wake us up in the morning with 'neck hugs' and she loved being in our arms. Her favourite pastime was to sit on the passenger's lap in the car with her head out the window. She enjoyed camping and loved unwrapping gifts at Christmas.
She crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 6th, 2020 to meet Victor, Mocha and Daisy on the other side. We will always love you, our baby girl, our sweet pea - our Madge.
Forever in Our Hearts,
Daddy Beau and Daddy Steve



Malone is a Corgi x Jack Russell Terrier. She was 14 yrs old and a very busy girl. As a member of Middlesex Agility Club she enjoyed running agility courses both for fun and in trials. She earned her Agility Dog of Canada title and made many friends both human and canine. She had the opportunity of making friends with only 1 skunk in her lifetime. She enjoyed living with her 2 housemates, McGuire, a Cardigan Corgi, and Braedie, a Pembroke Corgi. I'm sure she has reunited with McGuire over the Rainbow Bridge. She will forever be in my heart. Missing her.

Maggie May


Our beautiful Maggie, Mimi, Leela, Limpy Lou, Migs and many other nicknames. We were blessed with her for 11 yrs and she was our first dog. She was extremely loyal, friendly, playful, funny, sweet, and she was so loved and adored by her humans and her furry family Jimmy, Harvey Peanut Cousin Bix and Uncle Oliver.She was one of a kind and will be missed forever



This is my beautiful, photogenic companion of 13 years, Lola, who died last week. She was very affectionate and allowed anyone to pet here. She was also annoying with her habit of scratching the tv or knocking stuff of tables, dressers, etc to get your attention. She used to snuggle on my chest and shoulder and lick my hair, face and nose. I will miss her smile.



Kitty came into our lives unexpectedly in 2012 at approximately 2 years old. We were mourning the loss of another cat, when a friend messaged urgently about a rescue kitty who was found with her kittens under a shed. The babies were adopted, but no one wanted to adopt an adult black cat, and she would be released back onto the streets with slim chances of survival. She stole our hearts right away and thrived in our household. She was a sweet and loving companion, affectionate and mild mannered and will be dearly missed by all who had the pleasure of meeting her. Julian's "second favourite cat", since his favourite died 3 years ago and the other one hides from him".



Thank you to Southside Animal Clinic, and especially Dr. Lucas for taking care of our sweet girl from the time she was 8 weeks old, to her passing at 13 years old.



Stella passed away on Sunday, September 20, 2020 at about 10:00am while we were away on vacation. Stella was only 2 1/2 years old. She was playful, gentle and the sweetest pup you ever met. Stella brought such joy into our lives and will be forever missed. She loved to be loved and she loved to love.

Thank you,
Brad & Renee



Stewart adopted us at the Humane Society London & Middlesex in 2014 and enriched our lives beyond measure before he departed on September 24, 2020. We miss him looking after us whether in his chair, around his backyard, in the car and, most of all, on our walks where he chose the direction every day.



Kyle and his brother joined us 7 years ago. Since that day, he was a loving brother, ultimate food bowl master, super snuggler, daily olympic hall walker, furniture scaler, lover and "Mr. Personality". When Southside assisted us in gently saying goodbye to our sweet boy, a huge hole was left in our lives and the life of his brother Johnny. We love you Kyle. Walk pain free now and bask in the sunshine. Until we meet again ...



Our hearts broke when our Rocco left us.
He was a pure-bred brindle boxer and a gentle giant. He battled spinal meningitis from the time he was 6 months old, relapsing 3 times, but was a fighter to live to be 12!
He loved Portuguese food, hogging the couch, laying on your lap and never showed a cold shoulder to anyone, not even strangers. He was our fur baby and we loved him so much, there is an emptiness at home without him.

Thank you to all of you at Southside for everything you did for our big boy! He loved having visits with you guys!

Have fun in doggie heaven BooBoos with your uncle Toby and cousins Koko and Rocky! Make sure to grab a snack from Vavo!

We will love you and miss you forever!

In our hearts always,
Daddy Bobby, Mommy Michelle, Sister Myla and Brother Quentin xoxo



In Memory of Ginger Goulden
October 17/20 we lost our beautiful brown nosed girl Ginger. She brought laughter, joy and sunshine into our lives for 14 ½ years. She was the princess and knew how to charm everyone she met with her many kisses. Her sweet memories will stay in our hearts forever, she will be sadly missed by her family.
She made her presence known when we brought her into Southside, barking orders at the staff as she pranced around waiting for her appointments. Thank you to Dr. Shaneen and Dr. Karen and staff for all the years of excellent care you provided her.
Bruce and Doris and Buddy Goulden



Our sweet little girl Daisy left this world cradled in our arms on November 9th, 2020. We thought we were rescuing her from a puppy mill back in 2007 but in truth she rescued us. If only people could show the love and loyalty she had the world would be a better place. She is welcomed into heaven by her big brother Buddy who left us 6 years ago. We will forever miss you Daisy....Mom, Dad and Becca.


February 1, 2006 - November 3, 2020

With heavy hearts, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Crash on November 3, 2020. Crash came to us as a rescue who had already been named. They told us he had two speeds: full speed and Crash. He was a character who brought us so much joy. We loved him dearly. He is survived by his sweet sister Mimi and special friend Scooby. He was pre-deceased by his other furry friends, Daisy and Boomer. Thank you Crash for making our home a happier place. We miss you Crash Boy and will love you forever.
A special thank you to everyone at Southside Animal Clinic for all you do, and the compassion with which you do it.
The McLaughlin Family



On Wednesday October 28th in his 14th year, Milo passed away peacefully surrounded by his human parents at Southside Animal Clinic.
Milo's heart was bigger than his little body and brought happiness and smiles to all he came in contact with. His youthfulness never went away even in his later years.
Milo loved to snuggle whether it was by your side, between your legs or in your lap he always found a comfortable spot... for both of us and boy could he snore! Belly rubs, walks and getting treats were some of his other favourite things.
Holding him and saying goodbye was the hardest things we've ever had to do. Although we miss him dearly, we know he is no longer suffering and can finally rest.
Miss you "Little Guy"



You came into our lives in 2012, after many happy years with Elmire. Who knew that we would get another 8 years with you. We grew to know and love your character. You will forever be my shoulder girl, each night you curled up in my arms. My sweet Dot!



My sweet Callie has been laid to rest. She was the best rescue pup you could ask for. Life is definitely not the same without you Pup. I miss you with my entire being. Love mom



Zeus was a very good boy, a great dog. Forever will be loved and missed.



Kevi was part of our family for over 17 years. She was born on Mother's Day 2003.
My husband wanted to name the anticipated kitten Kevin [an inside joke] but being a girl cat, Kevin became Kevi.
She wasn't a particularly large cat but she had a big personality and presence. We jokingly called her a diva or a princess. She never hesitated to demand what she wanted, very loudly!
Kevi was my shadow...where I went she followed. She kept the rhythm of our day - she got us up at the same time each morning, let us know when it was mealtime and would head to the bedroom each night to indicate it was time for lights out. She had a favourite chair and was relentless at trying to get someone who had the nerve to sit in it to move.
She will always be missed



It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of our beloved, Monte. Monte was with us since 2007 as a puppy. He was a wonderful addition to our family and he brought so much joy and happiness to us. We will miss him so much but know that he is no longer suffering and is a better place. We thank the staff at Southside Animal Clinic for their care and concern. The staff made this difficult experience so much better for us. Monte, you will be missed. You will be forever loved and never forgotten. Jill & Gary



We found Gary as a 3 week old kitten in Grand Bend that was abandoned by his mother and took him in. At the time (Canada Day long weekend 2011 I believe), your clinic was being moved from the Commissioners & Deveron to it's temporary location at Southdale and Adelaide, while the new clinic was being built. Although the clinic was closed for the move, Dr. Lucas still answered my frantic knocks at the door and kindly provided instructions, food and care in order to ensure Gary's survival. Dr. Kennedy then took over his primary care and provided 10 years of amazing care and compassion to Gary, although he was a bit of a jerk - we believe it was because he missed that vital kitten stage with his siblings and mother, but we loved him anyway. Gary, we will miss your purrs, and even your bitey nature. Yes Gary was named after the snail in SpongeBob.

Jennifer Jones




You're a very good boy, and our best friend.
You made us smile and laugh everyday.
You made us feel unconditionally loved.
We don't know what we'll do without you around everyday.
We already miss you more then we can say.
You were so strong not letting on you were sick.
We love you Boz, and will think of you everyday.

Gord, Patty, Brian, Tyler & Odin Stevens



I rescued my beautiful Oreo & another cat Domino from the London Animal Care Centre about 10ish years ago. I chose these two because they were in kennels right beside each other & the lady I was dealing with that day said that when she let these two out in the mornings that they use to tumble down the hall wrestling like a couple of Oreo's...hence her name. She was a great cat who used to greet me at the door everyday when I came home from work, she would beg me for treats before I left & she was a great cuddler at night. She had this cute thing she use to do where she would pick a piece of a blanket or your sweater & take it in her mouth while she kneaded the spot she was about to curl up in. She was truly amazing & will be missed not only by me but the other 5 animals she is leaving behind. We miss you already.



Our Faithful Companion for 16 Years
Nixie was and is part of us . Her Memory will never fade. Resilient, Loving and gave more than she took. Long walks on the trail and beside the river a facial expression denoting unrelinquished Love.
Sorely missed, never Forgotten. A true and loving companion that could run like the Wind.

Linda & John Wallace



On Friday, November 13th, we had to say goodbye to our sweet girl Molly.

Molly was an overweight, geriatric calico who chose us at the SPCA in Truro, NS, in February 2019. Molly was the first of our four kitties and kept everyone in line. The matriarch of the family, she was the first to the food bowl, first to bed and made sure all the other kitties were well groomed. Molly would never turn down a belly rub or a taste of any food that was on the go. Her constant presence next to us on the couch and her nose kisses will forever be missed. There will never be another kitty like Molls. So much love - Andy, Adrienne, Grizzy, Stevie and Rudy.



Bear, He honestly was a beautiful boy
May 6, 2011 – March 12, 2021
Bear loved his favorite human house mate Christopher, and showed it with his obsessive crying and endless kisses when he saw him. It was so heartwarming to see and watch them together.
Bear loved to tease you when he wanted to play fetch.
I’ll get the ball – now you catch me, his favorite game to play.
Bear was such a gentle, playful soul. You played till the very end.
You were a childhood dream come true for me, the joy of my life. You were my favorite boy and yes I think my other kids knew they commented all the time about it. Your paw will always have an imprint on my heart.
Run free my boy, Elmo (cat) is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge
Deborah, Kayla, Christopher, Bella and Chance (cat)



We had to say goodbye to our beautiful boy, Hank. He was a good boy, the best boy, a perfect boy. Hank loved and was loved by so many. He would do the husky talk, we loved his voice. He had a special howl for the people he loved the most, like his grandma. Hank had the greatest love for children, he loved them all. On Halloween, we dressed him as a lion and he waited at the door for the kids to come.
We all could learn from Hank. He lived his life to the fullest, and he loved with all his heart and what a big heart he had, such a cuddle bug.
Hank was a tough guy, he had health issues, but he kept on trucking, even adapting to using a wheel chair. He was so happy with his chair, he played and ran again!
He is deeply missed by his little sister, Arya, the wonder hound, his grandma, Abby, and especially his momma Candace who loved him so very much.
Our hearts are broken but we are so grateful to have been blessed by our wonderful boy. Hank, hoping he is running free and I know we will see our angel again



There is something missing in my heart,
I feel it day and night,
I know it will take time and strength,
Before things feel right.

I know your gone, I am lost,
We all know in everyone's house you were the boss,
RIP Muffin I know you're at rest,
Give Gene a kiss for me, you are the best.
Take care of each other till we all meet again.

I will miss you every day we are apart.

Your Loving family ❤️❤️❤️

Thank You to the Southside Animal Clinic staff for giving me
16 plus wonderful years with my beautiful girl.



March 20th, 21 (spring equinox) we had to say goodbye to our beloved Sabrey. He loved people and was able to enjoy his last day with us outside enjoying the sunshine playfully, greeting several friends that came to visit along the pathway. Words cannot express the emptiness we feel. RIP our beautiful, handsome man. We will love you forever.



Beloved family dog and 14 year "best friend" to Phil, Winston will be dearly missed by his family and anyone who had the luck to make his acquaintance. Full of energy through his life, 14 years slowed down his speed but not his love. You will be missed buddy!



Ally was a hurricane Ike rescue. She was found in a flooded ally so the rescue group named her Ally. Ally needed a home when her first owner passed away. Ally lived out her senior years with us. Ally loved birds, car rides and walks. She was a gentle soul and always happy. She was a very loved member of our family and is very much missed.


2012 - 2021

On March 9 we said goodbye to our Dear Jade.
Your love, energy and beautiful spirit brought joy to everyone who had the blessing to meet you. Your bark may have been intimidating but were a bundle of pure love and snuggles. Your last year living blind never slowed you down chasing your kitten sister Lily or going for daily walks.
You are cherished and missed daily, a piece of our hearts went with you when we said goodbye.
Enjoy seeing all the beauty in heaven.
Tareq & Katrina.



I miss you so much buddy, you had more of an impact on me then you will ever know. My best friend and loyal companion until the end. I hope you're running over that rainbow bridge and eating as much steak as you want. The entire family mourns you even 8 months since you passed. Never can replace you buddy, and I'm happy you passed at home with dignity with your mom and dad by your side. I promise we tried everything we could do for you, Unfortunately cancer had other plans. Until we meet again my Ernie bud, I hope you watch over and protect us.



Lucy ❤
Such a smart sweet beautiful girl. She loved the outdoors , playing ball, smelling flowers in the gardens, camping adventures and going for long walks but she also loved to snuggle. Saying goodbye was heart breaking and we miss you dearly. We have so many great memories to cherish and keep you in our hearts forever. ❤🐾
Special thank you to the entire Southside Animal Clinic team for compassionate, loving care and for being such an amazing part of Lucy's journey for over 15 years!
Forever grateful
Dale & Sharon and family ❤



Originally a stray, Porkins came into our lives in 2014. We named him Porkins for his stocky build, but after settling into our home, he perked up and affectionately became "Perkins." All who met him loved him for his easy-going and affectionate nature. He had an avid determination for sampling our food and would strike our plates with unexpected speed and precision. He loved lounging in the sun, munching on grass, kneading blankets, cuddling, and grooming his Dad's hair. We will miss him always.



Gone But Not Forgotten
Came into our lives Feb 13, 2014 and left us again way to soon on May 20, 2021.
She lives on in our hearts, and her presence will forever be felt in the backyard she loved so much.


2013 - 2021

Frankie was a rescue from The London Humane Society. He wasn't just a dog, he was our innocent little boy, who we saw blossom, into a young man. We treated him equal as to a human and he reacted, as such. If you called him a dog, he would huff, and then continue to ignore you. He loved everybody, and our daily walks, reflected that. He would say hi to everybody, and make sure that everybody he encountered, petted him and acknowledged him. Special thanks to DR. JEFF GRAMS, and the entire veterinarian staff, who provided their full attention, and care, in Frank's time of need. Predeceased, by his papa, Chuck. Leaving behind his other dad Daryl. Frankie, you will always be loved, missed, and remembered, by all, who met you.
R.I.P., My Little Prince
Heaven received another angel, back into its flock.


2003 - 2021

We were so sad to have to let you go Simon. You were our first baby boy and we loved you so much.
Your fur brother Luke misses you so much.
It was one of the hardest days of our lives having to say goodbye to you.
We will cherish all the wonderful memories we shared together for over 17 years.
Thanks to everyone at Southside Animal Clinic for caring for Simon since we moved to Summerside.
Forever in our hearts,
Daddy Rod, Daddy Harry and Brother Luke xoxoxo


2006 - 2021

I still remember the day I adopted Spencer from animal control here in London. He was so enthusiastic to be chosen out of the 100's of cats they had. I was so happy to have him in my life as I was single and living alone. He soon became my best friend. A year later came his brother Toulouse who he hated at first but they soon became thick as thieves. He now had himself a sidekick. Which he loved, they snuggled and played and loved each other. Many years later came their little brother Gidget. He kept my old boy on his toes. Kept him going and brought him so much joy. Spencer was the best pet I've ever owned. Loyal to his owner and loyal to his brothers. He gave me so much love in his 15 yrs, and I am all the better for it. I honestly can say he saved me, he made me a better person. But he suddenly became so ill and had to cross that rainbow bridge. I miss Everything about him. His sweet face, his amazing purr, his soft snuggles, and his pure patience. He was so chill, and so relaxed and just the best anyone could ask for. I will never stop missing you buddy. You will always have a space in my heart. I Love you, till we meet again. Momma loves you Big Man ❤



In loving memory of our boy, Zeus. He was such a loveable guy and we miss him so much!!



Sadly on June 17th, 2021 we said our last good byes to our wonderful companion Dude and released him of his pain and suffering!
He filled our hearts with love and joy for the last 10 years along with his natural brother Patches whom we had to say good bye to back a few years ago, they were inseparable. Dude was lost without him but now they are together once again!
We miss both of our boys and loved them dearly!

Love Linda & Paul Gibbon



We had Nugget since he was 8 weeks old. He immediately captured our hearts when he came running to us from the litter of six. The first night he made his way to the top of our pillows and slept in between us every since for 15 and 1/2 years.

Thank you for your compassion. Losing a pet is just so hard.

We miss him very much



Lucky was our first puppy. He was eight and a half years old. Lucky was full of love and always cried like a baby when we came home. It did not matter if we were gone for an hour or five minutes he would always be so happy we were back. He had a very unique and strong personality. He was a slick boy. He always used to steal things in hopes that we would give him a treat to get the item back. He always wanted to be near his family and did not even want to stay in the backyard without us for longer than five minutes. He was a very good boy and was never sick. He always had the same excitement when we would take him out every day. He loved it even more to go to the dog park and go on car rides. He was a very big boy, but he still had the mind of a puppy. He will always be missed and loved forever. Lucky left us with lots of wonderful and joyful memories. Rest in peace in doggie heaven, big boy.

Marinescu Family



On Monday, July 5, 2021, Kota left peacefully in my arms with the caring assistance of Dr. Kennedy, and I can't thank you enough for your compassion through this journey. She was my goofy and loving friend for 9 of her 14 years. I miss her every day...she was the best of friends.



Wanted to take a moment and pay tribute to Dexter. The most snuggly, purry, meowy, and persistent cat you’ve ever met.
He was a faithful and loving friend, and he is incredibly missed by all of us, including his dog Oscar. We still look for him to come running down the stairs or around the corner.
Thank you to all who had a hand in helping him through, and a special thank you to Karen who took us on without question and provided incredible support, and to Emma who waited so very patiently with us in Dexter’s final moments and made sure he was comfortable.

He is sorely missed.




Bella was born 24 July 2009 and passed on 19 May 2021 (2009 - 2021). I rescued Bella in April 2010 along with her companion on Super Adoption Day from the Animal Outreach shelter.
Bella was a very shy but playful cat, loved chasing the red laser dot on the floor. She was very talented and easy to train, loved climbing ladders and playing with her little colourful balls - Still haven't found them all. I miss her sleeping with me at nighttime as she was my personal heater. She is survived by her sister Meeka and brother Haus. RIP my lovely girl, you are missed every day!



Missed by Lorna, Kaylin and Ryan



My Beautiful Angel POCO has Ascended to the Heavens to-day.
She was always the Sunshine of my life and blessed all who knew this precious soul with her Loving and Happy disposition.
Poco thank-you for being in our lives.
You shall be sadly missed here on earth....
And now you shall lovingly touch all in the heavens.
Love you always. Mom. xox

Thank-you Dr Shaneen Kennedy & Dr Karen Lucas for your professional, understanding and loving care of Poco during her peaceful passing.
Dr Linda Douglas.



We miss you so much Luke, our hearts are broken. You are at peace now and with your big brother Simon. We will cherish all the wonderful memories we had with you for over 15 years. Thanks to everyone at Southside Animal Clinic for caring for Luke since we moved to Summerside. Forever in our hearts, Daddy Rod and Daddy Harry xoxo



Sometimes called George, mostly called Biggee Fluffee. He loved to sing with his mum while she did dishes. Mornings will never be the same again without your characteristic meow. Missed by two brothers- Bootsie and Bobby- and his parents, Adam and Erika. We love you, Biggee. We'll miss you. Forever.



Izzy became a member of our family 19 years ago. She was a constant companion. She loved curling up by the fireplace and treats. Izzy loved taking naps on her favourite chair. Izzy also enjoyed playing cards during family game nights and would lay on top of cards and get very frisky. She is deeply missed and our household isn't the same without her. She was the best girl a family could ask for.



This is Sadie Williams. She joined our family of 2 in 2005 when my husband travelled away for work, and she was a great companion for me during those times. She then welcomed our two daughters to part of "her" family.

She loved to bury her kibbles around the house using her face, she huffed at us when she wanted our attention and would often try to trick us by letting us know she wanted outside, but then once we got up, she was only looking for a treat.

Sadie would love to run around the rooms at a super-fast pace, often times if she would go upstairs, you could hear the pitter patter of her feet across the floor while she zoomed up and down the hallways in excitement.

Sadie lived to a ripe age of 16 ½ and she gave us so much love and affection that is irreplaceable and we are happy to have had the privilege of her being part of our family for so many wonderful years.

Words cannot express how much of an impact she made for me, and my family and she will be missed, but her fun memories will last forever.



We spent 11 years together. We were proud to be your owner/butler.
We found each other in the summer of 2010 and lives together in cities across Korea to Canada.
You meant so much to us, our best friend and our son. We will never forget you, we love you so much. We will meet you at the Rainbow bridge.



Caesar was the first dog owned by our family. He brought us and everyone he met a lot of love and laughs. It was never a dull moment with him around. He had this amazing ability to comfort you when you were feeling down. He will be deeply missed and we will forever mourn the loss of our beloved Caesar. However, we are happy that he is no longer in pain. Thank you Caesar for coming into our lives and for blessing us and gracing us with your presence. Thank you for your loving and warm company and for all your hugs and kisses. I hope your beautiful and gentle soul finds peace and happiness. Love you always.



We said goodbye to CJ September 17, at the age of 18. She had a great life and brought lots of joy and laughs to our family. Thanks to the team at SSAC.



Mitzi was such a loving and devoted pet to me. She followed me everywhere I went and would wait for me everyday when I came home after I had left the house. She looked forward to our evenings of sitting in the chair next to me relaxing. When she saw me getting ready for bed she would always run to the bedroom because she knew she was going to bed too. In the mornings she would wait for me to do my routine and be waiting at the foot of the bed for me to pick her up. She was a source of great companionship for me and I will miss her terribly. Run free Mitzi. Mommy loves you.



Our boy Cosmo went over the rainbow October 25th. He loved his walks with all his dog and human friends. He was the grandpa of the Ingersoll dog park and will be greatly missed by everyone there. He loved car rides and visiting the cottage. Cosmo loved to raise money for the Thames Valley Education Foundation and will be missed at the run for the fund events. We miss our good boy, Rest In Peace handsome.



Hankers was truly one of a kind. He could make you laugh just by watching him and had the best cuddles. He was such a big part of our family and we will always hold a special place in our hearts for him. Love and miss you, Hank.



This is Charlie.
The most loving, happy and my Baby. He was diagnosed with cancer and we decided to let him live what time he had left in peace...and when he showed any hurtful changes...we would let him go. That happened far too soon...but we promised him that we would never let him suffer. And as he took his last breathes.. We told him how much we'd miss him and that we kept our promise. I cry daily missing my "Boo ". Thank you SSAC for making the experience so tranquil and peaceful. We appreciate your care for Charlie over the years. We LOVE and MISS you buddy. I know you are at peace and one day we will too.



Holly was our earth angel who gave us a lifetime of happiness in such a short time.
We will miss her goofy smile, signature antenna ears, wiggly-waggly tail, and her unapologetic joy of living. She was the biggest snuggle bug we've ever met, and the best companion anyone could ask for. Thank you for everything, sweetness. We love you, always.



Willow was a crazy, funny and loveable dog. She loved going to the farm and running around looking for who knows what. She will be missed by her friend and playmate Wrangler. She was a cuddle bunny and thought she was a lap dog at times. She always let me know when the mailman was coming and my kids after they left home and would come to visit.
We had 10 great years and she will be greatly missed. Thank you to your staff for their care and understanding.
Sue and Rob



Rocky Reis on October 29, 2021 at 10:10 AM unfortunately passed away in her 19th year.
Rocky was a beautiful, soft, cuddly, feisty fur ball, that loved to sleep the day away. She loved to eat and loved her treats. She lived a long and good life full of love, cookies, chunks and cuddles.
She will be forever sadly missed by her cat brother Buddy the Liger, human grandmother and human mommy and daddy.
We love and miss you Rocky/shedeka!



I rescued my sweet boy, Rudy, from a small rescue place in England in 2013. I'll never know his backstory or his real age but the 8 wonderful years I got to spend with him will be some of my greatest memories. I was so nervous when he flew over from England but his smiling face was waiting for me. I'll forever miss you my little lad. I love you always.



KAILEY was a beautiful, gentle, and loving Golden Retriever, who never judged anyone and always gave unconditional love.
Known as “The Pretty” her kind eyes and gentleness were an instant attraction
On November 30th had to say goodbye to her.
For 11yrs she gave us nothing but pure joy and unconditional love.
She will be missed and will be forever in our hearts.



Cooper was everyone's sweetheart. He would immediately grab everyone's attention when he entered the room. We miss you and we love you, Cooper.



Wallace was a rescue but he clearly rescued us!



Soft & fluffy Athena was adopted as a rescue into our family in April 2006. She always was the first of our cats to greet us at the door with a friendly meow hoping to be fed immediately! Sleeping in the sink, sipping from the faucet were some of her favourite things. She had a presence of royalty. We will miss her purr but her memory will always be in our hearts forever!



My buddy Neely passed away suddenly on Dec.27th, 2021
He loved to play fetch, wrestle, chase squirrels, roll around in the snow, jump in his pool, chase the lawn mower, and sleep in his "Closet Cave".
He loved all of his furry friends and will be sadly missed, but happily remembered by all.
BEFF!! 😊

Daisy Mae


Daisy was so very special. A more loving and snuggly girl there could never be. She will be forever loved and remembered.

Thank you Southside for all the years of care you gave her, especially Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Lucas.



QTip's favorite things in life were sharing a freshly opened can of tuna, finding the perfect sunny spot to sleep in, hanging out in the backyard and always being near (preferably on top of) her humans. We feel so lucky to have had her in our lives for 18 years. She is missed so much, but we will always remember her sassy personality and the unconditional love she showed us.



We were so blessed to have had Bella in our lives for 10 years. We got to watch her grow from a rambunctious puppy to an old lady that would enjoy the sun on the back deck. We miss you Bella. ❤



My Carly was such a joy and part of my heart from the day I saw her as a tiny little puppy. There will never be another dog like her who was obsessed with me as much as I was with her. She gave me unconditional love and I called her my mental health treatment. I feel like I missing part of my heart and life without her and I hope I gave her as much love as she gave me. I hope she is running with our lab Cody who was just as amazing and getting all the treats she wants in her belly. Until we meet again Carly we all love and miss you so much!!



Omen Ming Grist Nov 2001 - Jan 14, 2022.
AKA Ming Ming Mang Meow! "Brrrrppppp"
Omen was more than a cat; he was a loyal friend who never left my side. His paw print is forever in my heart.



Ozzie my sweet lump of love, always by my side while I worked from home. You are dearly missed. Love, love, love you.

Gabi, Dan, Will and Tish 💔



Madison was so very loved, she was my best friend. She lived her best life right until the end, and for that I will be forever grateful. I can’t express enough thanks and gratitude to the team at SSAC for your amazing care of my baby. Madison, I’ll be looking for you across the rainbow bridge💕



He was a character till the end. We had almost 14 years of great memories and he was always entertaining us. We miss him dearly!
Loved by many!



Our sweet Molly passed away on June 29th. She was 14 years old. She was the sweetest, most loving little babe. Friendly and loving to all. We miss her so much but we know that she is out of pain and with her brother , Max, who passed in March of this year.
Our house is not the same without Molly’s friendly, warm and cuddly being. We all loved her so much. ❤️ ❤️



Harley Page (my Barley-boy).
My beloved adventure partner and friend.



Ebony meant so much to our family and became a defect emotional support dog and she got us through a really hard time.
We didn't realize how much of a hole she would leave when we got her 21 years ago! You will be dearly missed Ebby, and will live forever in our hearts.

Juno Beach


Juno Beach was a great girl! She aimed to please and only wanted to be loved in return. She was a great, big teddy bear with such an easy-going personality. We could never replace a legend like her.
We will miss her so much!



Our dearest Chelsea started out with a tough life however at 7 she stole our hearts during a visit to the local shelter. She had a spunky personality and was the loudest dog I think anyone has ever met. She wasn't fond of walks or nail trims but she sure loved her cuddles and pink elephant stuffy. Our house is much quieter and our hearts are heavy without her. We were blessed with 5 wonderful years with our little Chelsea Bear.



Jessy-Catherine October 2010 - March 2022 Jessy was a fearless social butterfly who loved belly rubs. She ruled our house and our hearts.



We rescued Shadow in September 2010, but he rescued us. He was about 4 and made himself at home the first night. He had a comfortable bed of his own, but preferred squeezing into cardboard boxes. He loved to be cuddled. Our beloved Shadow passed away April 8, 2022. We will always love you Shadow.



With great sorrow our precious little girl Holly passed away on Jan. 22/ 2022. She was 10 years old. It was very sudden. A very good, smart, and beautiful girl. Loved by everyone that met and knew her. Holly was a wonderful part of our family and will be sadly missed by all. Tears are very hard to hold. Thanks for all the great memories. Gone but not forgotten.



Max. Our great little boy. He was well loved and he gave us a lot of love. We sure do miss him. Molly , his sister, misses him so much. They were always cuddled up together.
Miss you sweet Max.



Jazzmine (Jazz) was such a sweet girl. Loved cuddles...and treats. She learned how to high five and shake a paw. Jazz was my soul-kitty....she knew my moods and comforted me when I was blue. Jazz left a HUGE hole in our hearts when we had to say goodbye. Miss you so much baby girl.



Samson captured my heart in a way no one ever will.
We made sure he lived every day to the fullest from the day we brought him home.
He knew he was loved and will never be forgotten.
After spending his life on heart medication, his heart broke him and now my heart is breaking me.
We Love You Schmoops!



Words cannot express the heartbreak of the loss of Abby to cancer. She was a rescue dog who rescued us 10 yrs. ago after the loss of our 1st rescue Jenny. Abby was 2 1/2 when we got her. She weighed 38lbs.Normal weight should have been 75. She had been neglected and abused. Probably a puppy mill mom. She was shy yet brave. Loved all 5 of our grandkids. I would say "your puppy is coming" and she would run to the window and whine with delight. She bonded with our 12 year-old grandson since he was 18 months. They were inseparable.
My husband feels lost. Today, "man's best friend" is gone but never forgotten.
Special thanks to ABCR who entrusted Abby to our care.. To Roxanne from Raw for Pets. Without her care and knowledge Abby would not have maintained such a healthy body and mind. And of course Dr. Shaneen who has seen us through these loss of 3 dogs and 2 cats over 25 years.
We love you Abby with all of our hearts. Thank you being in our lives.



Tripper was a lovely pet and great company, especially after the death of my partner. He wasn't too fond of having his nails clipped but, once he was at the clinic, he enjoyed the attention. He was a rescue kitty whom I adopted when he was just about four (according to his teeth). We had 16 good years together and I have lots of good memories.



7 years ago this sweet little man reached out to us in the pet store, he of course melted our hearts then and he came home with us the very same day. Little did he know he would be a pampered king as he much deserved. From all of his little quirks: sliding the water dish around the house, his silent meows, window watching, and most importantly snuggles with his mommy. He is greatly missed but he left us with his siblings to watch over us.
“Your favourite spot on the couch is empty now, where you would lie and sleep. But the memories are ours to keep forever.”



Pogo, the little dog who brought us so much joy. From cuddles, stinky kisses, and a love of cheese your personality got the attention of everyone in the room. Your life was full of adventures, dock time, and sun bathing. We are so thankful for 16 years of your love. You will forever be in our hearts.



Pineapple was sweet, loved cuddles and very mischievous and very brave. He endured more than any cat should have. He had a gift to find a toy playful in everything.. a pencil, toilet paper, toilet bowls, tea towels, shoe laces and his brother's tail. Pineapple is greatly missed by brother Blue and his family. Pineapple was one of a kind and unique like the heart shape on his back. There simply isn't words to describe how loved he was and how much he is missed.



Sadly we had to say good-bye to our "Little Love" on August 19, 2022. For the past 10 years Bella brought a ton of love to our home and to my office as she went to work with me every day. As a family mediator, Bella was the perfect assistant and she would spread her love to those who were going through difficult times. She could always sense who needed her the most on a given day. Bella will be missed greatly by our family and friends. Thank you to all the staff at Southside Animal Clinic for your support.

Gus "The Rock" Derkins


Gussy was such a fun little kitty, who enjoyed cuddles, being all tucked up under my chin, and making mischief with his little squeaker piggy. He liked to chase his siblings, the three of them tearing through the house and he loved to look out the front window from his tree.
He was so friendly and was a little purring machine. He was always in the gym with me when I worked out, dodging my feet during jumping jacks and ripping up my yoga mat.
He loved to chow down on popcorn and his fair share of charging cords. He always waited for us in the window until we got home from work and I'm going to miss seeing that fluffy face waiting for me when I walk through the door.
Even through all the visits to the vet and the long car rides, he kept his spirits and his energy high.
Gussy's time here was short, but he showed us so much love every single day. Even when he was hurting or uncomfortable post surgery, he loved to just curl up with you and start purring.
Thank you to everyone at Southside Animal Clinic for all the care they gave Gussy over the past 8 months.
I am going to miss my little workout buddy.
"So When Tomorrow starts without me
Do not think we're apart
For every time you think of me
Remember I'm right here in your heart"



On New Years Eve day we lost our wonderful friend and companion Luna. When we adopted her from a lovely young woman who could no longer care for her. Luna was very reserved and shy but soon became a loving and cherished member of our family. Although she had a distinctly quirky personality, she was quiet and affectionate and was our constant companion. She knew that we loved her and we knew that she loved us. We miss her terribly but we are so grateful for all the joy and love that she brought into our lives. Thank you Luna. You will live in our hearts forever!



Cotton was a wonderful member of our family for 15 years. The day we adopted him, we knew he was unique. He played fetch, he loved to snuggle and always knew when we needed a little extra love in our day. Cotton was an amazing boy and will be missed by Emma, Mary and Jesse. May he rest in peace ❤️



Our sweet Delilah, we had to say goodbye to you on June 29, 2022. Thirteen years after we first laid eyes on you and fell in love with the cutest little puppy. You were the perfect little sidekick, you protected us from the dangerous squirrels, you were our little Hoover vacuum if any crumbs fell to the floor. You cuddled with us when we were sad. You always greeted us with a wagging tail when we would come home. You loved going on walks and would always lead the way. Your absolute favourite thing was getting belly rubs and taking naps in our arms. Delilah, how I miss your little snores.
We miss everything about you. You were the most amazing part of our family. And we are heartbroken that you are gone.
We love you so much Delilah. Xoxo
Love always,
Your fellow weasel (Tarra) and fellow monkeys (Emily and Hailey).



We rescued Oz in 2017 as a senior, not knowing his real age or backstory. We were blessed to share 5 beautiful years with him. He filled our hearts and home with more love and happiness than we could have ever imagined. It will never quite be the same without him.
He peacefully left this world on Friday September 30th, 2022, in the arms of his two best friends.
Forever in our hearts, until we see you again, over the Rainbow Bridge.



Max was adopted at 16 weeks old. He was the last pick of the litter but quickly melted our hearts. His speckled fur, sad brown eyes and caramel colored eyebrows were unique and seemed to match his good-natured personality. He loved playing fetch, and snuggling. He was one of a kind and very loved.



Friday, March 10, 2023
And then there was beautiful Buffy.
Dogs were my preference in earlier years ... my second husband being a cat lover & having two cats at once Wowie!
I thank all of you for the beautiful card you sent me this week and for your services over the years....
I think I am ready to retire at 81.



I had Snoopy for 12 years. He was a great companion and friend. Well known all over my neighbourhood. We traveled all over the province to watch my granddaughter play competitive soccer. Snoopy always in tow. I will miss him dearly.



Sorry for the delay but if you'd like to post the following Memorial for BK. I also wanted to say the card was very thoughtful and special to have so many people write in it. I very much appreciated that, thank you.
My BK: The sweetest black kitty you'd ever meet. She loved being my morning alarm clock, singing in the bathroom, relaxing in the gardens and would give you the cutest tap when she wanted to be pet. I miss you everyday!



We welcomed Indie into our home and our hearts 7 years ago. Throughout that time he would always welcome us home from our front bay window. At the age of 8 cancer took him from us. We have placed his ashes in front of his favorite window where he enjoyed watching the world go by.



Niko was deeply loved by his mommy Eliana and daddy Del. Also loved by his entire family and his buddy Papa. We will miss hearing his bark and his pitter patter around the house. He was a loveable dog. Mommy will miss you right by her side where ever I go. RIP Niko. Mommy misses you so much. Love you long time my precious fur baby Nik Nik.
August 17,2007 January 5,2023 ❤️



Dudley Shack, beloved best buddy of 15 years, passed Sept 22. He loved car rides, long walks, meeting friends & trips to Florida. His favourite toy Quackers was always nearby. Dudley’s silly antics and facial expressions were amazing. Quite a character! Forever in our hearts! RIP Little Buddy!

Carlee Ashworth (Carlee Girl❤️ )


Our dear sweet girl crossed the rainbow bridge on April 26, 2023. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes, she was my side kick, unconditional love both ways. She is missed deeply…so much so, that the tears still fall & will for a long time.
Carlee loved the beach & enjoying walking along the waters edge just enough so to get her legs wet. When she did, she would look up at me … look at me momma!
Thank you to all the staff at Southside for all you do for our fur babies.❤️



It is with heavy hearts our beautiful Miguel passed away on November 28, 2022 He would have been 20 in January. We were lucky to have had him for 15 years. He was the best cat ever and truly a wonderful family member. Everyone who met Miguel over the years loved him. There will never be another Miguel, just ask Dr. Karen. He will be missed very much. RIP My Beautiful Boy ❤️❤️❤️



“Our sweet Hunter… 13 years of unconditional love. You’ve been with us since the day you were born. You are now free to run with your momma and besties again. The sadness is overwhelming for our family but grief is a price we pay for love.”



Zander came to me in December 2014, he diabetes in December 2020 and I had to say good bye to him in December 2022. My son felt I needed someone to give me caring love and hugs to as I had been pretty lonely since May the same year, when I had to say goodbye to my sweet Lab, Jakoby, who we called Jake. Zander got his name from my son.

I don’t know why I torture myself getting another companion when I know that down the road I will feel heartache. Well, I think it is the pleasure of giving love and getting love from someone who adores you, and does not judge you. Zander’s beautiful blue eyes adored me and I took him from an out of control high strung personality to a loving adorable boy who would do anything to please me, and the staff at Southside, his favourite place to go. Zander had personality plus and so much love to give and he craved for that human touch 24 hours a day. He was enormous due to his long legs, yet he thought he was a lap dog. He would sit beside you and expect your hand on him at all times and would pull it towards him if you took it away. I loved the way his spots were situated on his body. He had a pure white face but as he got older he got black freckles. He was so sad when he got diabetes and had to get needles twice a day, but he managed it fine even though we could not get his glucose levels to stabilize. He especially loved seeing Shaneen Kennedy his doctor and she tried her best to help him feel better but when he went blind he lost his spirit and he was so frightened by the dark…..I am crying as I tell you this but am so happy that where he is now he can see again and has no illness. I feel better when I think of his beautiful smile and his beautiful blue eyes and all the love he gave me. Miss my beautiful boy who leaves behind a cat and a kitten and myself and my son and his family.



Roxy was the most wonderful dog we could have asked for. Her life may have not started out easy, but she lived a life of comfort and freedom till the very end. She was Aidan and Madison's first best friend she was Bryan and Amanda's first "kid." She was loved by everyone who met her. You will be forever missed Roxy Ann our beautiful, golden-eyed girl. She will be forever missed by Bryan, Amanda, Aidan, Madison and Daisy.



Molly Bacon
Born: Dec. 30/06 Laid To Rest: Jun. 01/23 (16 1/2 Yrs. Old)
Breed: Shih Tzu / King Charles Cavalier Spaniel
Molly was a loyal and true friend and companion. Where you went, so did she. You never got tired of looking at her cute little face.
She had her customs and routines, and always managed to get what she wanted. She brought such joy and love. She will always be in our hearts and lovingly missed.
Rest in Peace My Good Friend.



Dozer was not your typical Bulldog; he was full of energy and special in so many ways. He loved being outside every chance he got whether that was camping in Bancroft by the lake, chasing his ball in the yard or just chilling on the back deck. He had so much personality and was loved by many who had the chance to know him. Dozer brought us so much joy over the past 14.5 years and we are holding the memories of our “Mr. Magoo” forever in our hearts.



In memory of Watson (2010 - 2023)
Thank you so much for all the great memories you left behind.
We miss you so much buddy.



We were so blessed when Phelix choose Lindsay a his human Mom, and Peter and I were even more blessed when he lived with us as she could not take him with her when they were transferred. We became his Nana and Pop Pop for always. He will remain forever in our hearts for his unconditional love. Born in 2004 we lost him in December 2022. He is now running free of the pain we could not ask him to endure any longer. Never to be forgotten, loved forever.



Coal. June 15, 2010 - February 9, 2023
He was my conscience, my co pilot, my ever so faithful companion. Always so full of life and love to all he met. I won't just remember one or two things about him but a million little things. I will miss you until the day I die. And I will see you again.



You are forever in my heart my wonderful, intelligent, beautiful loving girl Eevie. You were the greatest joy of every day that I knew you and I thank God for getting us together even though it was only 4 short years we were soulmates from day one. Your wagging helicopter tail is missed by not only me but your friend Lacey and your Aunt Debbie. Rest in peace my love! Betty Johnson (Mommy)



My sweet boy Max left this world cradled in my arms on December 20, 2022. He brought happiness and smiles to all he came in contact with. His tail never stopped wagging. He loved to cuddle, go on walks and chase the squirrels out of our backyard.
He will soon be playing with his sister Maggie and his brother Malu who are waiting for him at the Rainbow Bridge.
I will love and miss you forever! Max was one of a kind.
A special thank you to all the staff at Southside Animal Clinic for taking such good care of Max and the compassion with which you did it.



Gone to soon, Fred left an impact on everyone he met. He was a handsome, friendly, expressive, energetic, and loving dog. He truly changed our lives for the better from the very minuet he came into our home, and it will never be the same without him. He will be incredibly missed by many, but especially by us. Love you forever our bestest boy. In our hearts. Always.



After a full, happy life our beloved Tyler has left us. Ty leaves many human and animal friends who all have missed his caring, loving ways, and his rear being backed up for butt scratches. Tyler was a very smart dog with human personality and compassion. We will miss you every day, Tyler. Until we meet again.



With a very heavy heart, on February 7, 2023, we had to say goodbye to our handsome boy Brodie. He was such a wonderful part of our family. He brought joy to everyone. He will be missed so much. We love you Brodie. Thank you for bringing so much joy to all of us. 🐾❤️



Scarlet was adopted from a farm just outside of Glencoe. Scarlet was a fun-loving, obedient dog. She loved to go on adventures, such as camping, canoeing, hiking, where she would explore nature and make friends with the chipmunks and squirrels. She also loved collecting rocks from the lakes/beaches, and enjoyed putting them all into a pile. We will miss her many kisses, her soft fur coat, evening walks together, and all of the silly things she did that made us laugh. She made our home, a home.
We love you, Scarlet. You will always have a place in our hearts.



We are sad to share that on January 5th at 5pm our little Dixie (a.k.a Dixie-Do, Little Peanut, Skinny Minnie, Apple Dumpling) crossed the Rainbow Bridge at Southside Animal Clinic. She was a precious little girl who loved to investigate, had a large passion for food and loved to snuggle and spend time with her family. She was 12-years-old and had lived with us for 6.5 years of that time. We are so thankful she came into our lives and was such a good big sister to Rya. Her crooked-teeth smile was enough to light up any room. We love you our strong, brave little girl forever and ever. ❤️❤️



Jan 2010- May 5, 2023
It’s almost as though he knew there is only room for one king, so just before the coronation he graciously gave up his place on this earth.
But not before leaving us with these important lessons:
White couches ARE dog-friendly;
Every walk is worth it, even the short ones;
And an old dog can teach a person new tricks.
We will miss you terribly, King Walter.
Rest in peace.



Our big girl Liz was a very kind German Shepherd. She was a companion to her little buddy Ginger and crazy cat Minnie. Her bark was loud and always happy to see people that were part of her circle. She loved the snow and doing zoomies . Her backyard was Liz's sanctuary, from Spring ducks in the pool, jumping squirrels and many sunshine lazy days.
She is greatly missed by her human and mommy Mary, Mark and Sue. Thank you to all the compassionate staff at Southside. We are truly blessed to have all of you care for our many animals over the years.



On May 13th we had to say goodbye to the most amazing girl.
Mica was an absolute wonder. She may have been a Jack Russell, but she was far from typical; she was quiet, calm, and well mannered. She was an old soul who made sure we always felt her unconditional love. Mica was so genuine, wanting nothing more in life than to make everyone around her happy - and she did just that, always.
She was the perfect dog. Rest in peace sweet girl, we love you!



Sirius was such an intrepid and fearless kitten. Although he was so sick when we got him, he was incredibly brave and resilient. He loved being part of our family and having two older brothers to chase and boss around. He constantly made us laugh by trying to steal food and letting us know with his little voice when dinner was. Sirius was a great friend, always close by and eager to snuggle or be a comforting presence. He is sorely missed.



Roxy (2009-2023) - On July 2nd, we had to say our hardest goodbye when our dear Roxy crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was our best friend for 14 years and will be greatly missed. Roxy may have been a small dog, but she had a larger-than-life personality that brought so much happiness to our friends and family. We were lucky to have her a part of our lives. She will never be forgotten.



Max - you had three brain cells, and they were for kibble, stealing my spot, and licks. So many licks. You won over everyone you met with your goofy, loving energy. Cross country drives, rock climbing, shop dog...we did it all, didn't we? Love you, you big goober.



Zeppy was a happy dog, he loved his Frisbee, his Country Paws Daycare friends, the neighborhood kids would knock on my door and ask if he could come out to play. They miss him. He was such a good dog, so beloved by all Joe and I miss him terribly. Bubba; Bubs; Bubbers; Bubza love you, forever in our hearts xxoo



So grateful you chose me as your person. You lived life on your own terms and had the nickname of Evil for the first part of our time together. Once you learned how to cuddle, it was all you wanted to do! The house is empty without you but you are forever in my heart. Love you baby girl!





Brandy made friends with everyone she met. She was loved by even non dog lovers.
Camping, swimming and outdoors were some of her favorite activities.
Thank you for the loving care she received during her 13 years from all the staff at Southside.
She will be missed by many. ❤️



Rescued at age nine after some very tough years, Tarzan was determined to enjoy every moment to the fullest. Bursting with energy, Tarzan was the puppy-est senior ever. He loved his tennis balls, his squeaky toys, his bed (better used as a ball launcher), and his select favourite humans. Every day with Catherine was his ***best day ever***.



Oso Chipres 1/15/2012 – 5/9/2023
Our dearest boy, Oso was a messy(!) puppy but despite a rocky start, became an Akita unlike any other, AKA our very good boy. Many thanks to all his many caregivers for making his life exceptional. He will be missed dearly by all and never forgotten xoxo mommy and daddy-o.



Love leaves a memory.



December 16 2000 - November 2 2023
He was my special boy, by my side for 22 years.



My little man
Deiter Von Peiter Von Oostenhousen den Ouden aka D man crossed the rainbow bridge on May 23, 2023 at the ripe old age of 14. He was an amazing boy who loved being outside picking his own tomatoes and raspberries, and if lucky he dug up a carrot or two! He will be missed .



This is our sweet Toby. His unconditional love filled our home and our hearts with joy, love and cuddles. He was Mr. Mom to all the puppies and appreciated several treats any time. He was so gentle and loyal. He enjoyed our walks and playing with his favourite toys. He will be remembered and missed by all who loved him. ❤️❤️❤️



He was the boss around our house and biggest brother to Chloe and Jaxson. We sure miss our big boy.



Mr. Tigger


He was born in a barn, but quickly taken into the house as they found he was very friendly.
He spent his first few months with a couple who found they had very bad allergies.
He was very active, pulling down a picture on the wall.
He was loved by everyone, especially women.
I miss you very much, you special boy.

Love mom x



Valerie was a one-of-a-kind pug who had nothing but love for her daughter, Honey, and her rubber chicken. She will be greatly missed by her mom Adma, her deceased father Danny, her daughter Honey as well as her uncles Corey and Terry.



Our sweet Molly lived to be 16 years, 6 months and 20 days old. She made her trip to the Rainbow Bridge May 26, 2023. I still get ‘Molly moments, and it’s been almost 4 months, I miss her so much. My husband is coping much better than I am. We still talk about her every day. I am crying as I type this, it’s been so hard. She was such a well behaved, sweet little soul.. She was a certified Therapy Dog for years until she retired. Kidney disease took her from us. That day it was so difficult to do ‘the kind thing’, but we let her go, we didn’t want to, but we knew we had to. Be at peace sweet baby and we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. I’m sure you miss us as much as we miss you. In the meantime, have fun with your little buddies who went to the bridge before you. Love you so much & Miss you ‘Mooey’ (her nickname). XO



When I first met Dolly, here eyes were saying to me "I want to be with you, I need you and you need me." She was correct; I needed her. God sent her to me and he knew I had dogs before, it was so good to have her. She was a big part of my life; almost human. She knew many words, a very smart and loving pet and always with me during my prayers. Everywhere I went she followed me, morning and evening. I miss her so much, the house is so empty without her. I can hear footsteps and feel she is near me all the time. She was an amazing, smart and loving pet. All dogs are amazing, but my Dolly was very special and unforgettable to me. I miss her so much.



Kahlua (Lua) Sadie McFadden born March 28th 2013 passed peacefully at home on October 13th surrounded by her family. She was loved deeply by her human parents and siblings and by her cat brothers as well. Lua loved to chase squirrels and bark whenever someone would come to the door. She went on many adventures in her 10 long years and we all believe she lived a great life. She will always be in our hearts.



My sweet girl, my buddy. Your chair and your blanket sit empty without you. Miss you deeply.



We adopted Olivia and her brother Guido from The London Humane Society back in 2008. When my Mom and I went to view her and her litter siblings, Olivia came scampering in behind all of her siblings, she was the smallest and the only one that was mostly black. We immediately fell in love with her and her brother, she has the most wonderful purrsonality. She was Miss chatty pants and had the cutest Girly belly as we called it. She had a voice and she knew how to use it, she loved her wet food and her Momma and Gramma. She had the tiniest front paws that were turned out like a ballerina, so we called her Ballerina Girl. She loved laying in the sun and stealing Gramma's bed, there is so much more that I could say about our sweet precious Girl but I know I have to keep it short. Thank you all for taking such good care of her in her last moments, it meant so much to us. We will love and miss you forever Olivia, love your Momma and Gramma.



Our Angel Keeley❤️❤️❤️



Abby was a Barbet (French Water Dog) and was the most loving, loyal and comical dog I have been blessed with being a human mom to. Everyone who met Abby just loved her and she loved them right back. She was my shadow everywhere I went and was so obedient, gentle and sweet. She was only six years old when she passed suddenly of an illness she could not recover from. Her loss has been so tragic and devastating to me and my family however, I am so very grateful for the time I had with her. Dr. Kennedy was so helpful and kind during Abby's illness which I will always remember. All of the staff at Southside have been wonderful and truly care about our furry family members!



Just before New Year's we said goodbye to Rupert (age 9). He came to us thru ARF Ontario and we will forever be grateful having this sweet handsome boy in our lives. He loved his daily walks (3-4/day) and felt it his duty to 'warn' us of passing Jeeps, performance mufflers, skateboarders... essentially anything with wheels. And what good ears he had, he could hear cucumbers being chopped and come running for a piece (same goes for chip bags) even if he was outside napping in the yard. Ru was such a strong fighter and took everything in stride, thru heartworm positive treatments, environmental allergies, surviving a stroke, and pacemaker installation surgery. Sadly he told us it was time when his kidney cancer symptoms took a turn for the worse. There is a huge hole in our hearts and home now. RIP Ru



With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to our beloved sun-dog, Eddie. He captured our hearts with his soulful eyes, unconditional love, and goofy antics. He swam like a champ and crossed his front legs like a prince. Edmeister would do anything for carrots, peanut butter, and his ultimate favourite, cheese. Although bittersweet, he is now at peace, free from pain and suffering. Run free, sweet boy!



Benny, my beloved dog, brought to me as a gift in November 2010, captured my heart from the first minute together. From the minute I saw his face, I knew I loved him and would never be apart. Benny's unwavering companionship and unconditional love filled my life with joy. I will always love my beloved Benny.



Bounty was a great dog. In his younger days he could run like the wind. He liked to run in figure eights and made you dizzy to watch him. His nicknames were Boo and Bounce. He is loved and greatly missed.



February 1, 2006 – August 21, 2023
With heavy hearts, we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Mimi on August 21, 2023. Mimi came to us as a rescue and has been a special part of our lives for 17 years. She was a beloved part of our family and will be dearly missed. Mimi was pre-deceased by her awesome brother Crash, and her other furry housemates, Daisy and Boomer. She is survived by her special friend Scooby. Thank you Mimi for making our home a happier place. We will miss your sweet face, and love you forever.
A special thank you to everyone at Southside Animal Clinic for all you do, and the compassion with which you do it.



Maggie (Margaret, Magalinda, Mag-Pie) was taken suddenly and tragically after 13 years with us on Oct 14, 2023, but was surrounded by love in her final moments. Our polydactyl beauty who found us as we went shopping for cat food for her brother Wynton. The gal we didn't know we needed, but are so grateful she chose us as her family. Expert mouser, purring so loudly that Dr. Jeff couldn't even get her heart rate, and licking our noses nightly as she fell asleep beside us. We are so grateful she was able to live her best life with us, and made ours so much better. Sending you all the ear rubs Mags. We love you. XOXO



We lost our beloved Ollie recently. (2011 – 2023)
He was a wonderful, loving companion who we enjoyed for 12 beautiful years. We adopted Ollie from a rescue out of Brussels, Ontario.
He was in foster care at a home in Kitchener, and no one would take Ollie as his appearance at 1 year old suggested he was aggressive, and
Ollie also watched many of his dog playmates being adopted ahead of him. He lacked some fundamental discipline, but with time and consistent
Love and attention, became a loving pup who was treasured by all of our family. Ollie was also not used to young children, but became very familiar and patient with our 3 grandchildren.
Rest in Peace our beautiful Ollie!



We got Steeler from the nicest, kindest breeder in Delaware. He picked us as his Furever family at 2 weeks! We were fortunate to watch him grow with visits at 4 weeks, 6 weeks and brought home at 8 weeks.
He was named by his brother Dylan who was 18 when he got his first dog, as we were all Steelers Fans! He was so smart and learned very quickly all the things a pup needs to learn. Except his crate, which he hated and gave us a hard time about. We watched him grow into the sweetest, gentle, highly intelligent, very intuitive boy that he was. He knew how to tell time, knew our routine better than we did and could hear our cars coming up the street.
Steeler loved to hang out in the garage at the very front, watching everything and everyone. Everybody loved Steeler and he loved the attention he got from everyone. He loved the snow, hated the pool and gave the best kisses. He was so happy to ride in the car with the windows down, feeling the wind on his face. He loved to run and play keep away with his Kong balls. Steeler, aged 4 was not overly impressed at first when we got his sister, Karma but within hours of bringing her home he let her snuggle into him and taught her the lay of the land at our house and they became inseparable as he tolerated her puppy nonsense. He let her think she was the boss, when in fact it was him.
Steeler was taken from us very suddenly on January 4th as we discovered he had hemangiosarcoma.. We were shattered. He was such a trooper showing very little signs he was ill. But his eyes spoke to us that day, telling us it was time to say our final goodbye. Karma is lost without her big brother.
Run pain free over the rainbow bridge Steeler boy and know that you were loved and are deeply missed and have left your paw prints 🐾 on all of our hearts forever. . 🐶💙🌈



Our beautiful fur baby, Timberland, "Timber", sadly passed away January 22, 2024 at the age of 12, rejoining Clayton, and are happy together again running like the wind. Timber was such a gentle giant, loving and loved by all who had the pleasure to meet him. Neighbourhood watch dog, so much character, loved snow, cuddling and sweet potatoes. My best friend, shall treasure all the memories with our special boy. Walks are not the same without you, miss you so very much, until we meet again. xoxo



Theo was a curious little guy who could walk clear across the room on his hind legs. He danced like nobodies business. He could run and jump like the wind! He chose ME from the very beginning. His smile lit up the room! I miss u my sweet boy and will love u forever!



Seven years ago, we fell in love with this little girl. She had the sweetest face, an excited, playful disposition who loved the outdoors where, true to her breed, she chased squirrels and chipmunks in our garden - and who loved to share hugs and kisses.

She was our shadow, following us everywhere we went, in the car or on foot.

We were devastated when she lost sight in one eye to glaucoma, but her feisty spirit wasn’t dampened and she thrived as if nothing had changed.

Unfortunately, 5 months later, she lost sight in the other eye. It was heartbreaking to watch her stand in one spot, totally confused, not knowing what to do. This was not a life for this bubbly, high spirited girl. She’s in better place today, chasing squirrels in the sky.

We miss our little girl.



Damon was my best friend and gave the best head butts. He had the warmest, brightest, most loving personality. He was the runt of the litter, but had the weight of an elephant. He was a trouble maker, but the biggest sweetheart. He will forever be missed, always loved, but never ever forgotten.



Lee was a very handsome and well-behaved cat who truly blossomed in his later years once he found his favourite person. Despite everything he had been through, he was loved and cared for by many. We were so lucky to have him, and we will miss him dearly. We made a promise with Lee that he will come back to us in some way in the future. We can’t wait to see you again, Lee-boy!



Vito was that one-of-a-kind dog who had all the zest for life and then some. And you could tell because he'd always be smiling. Vito loved leading the way on countless trail adventures, pushing his way into taking the lead or sitting shotgun on car rides, following Dad around the house and sitting beside Mom in the garage. You could catch him grooming his soulmate from ear to ear and we all know she loved it. Vito Bums always enjoyed a bowl of his favorite food (which had to be spaghetti and meatballs) and of course he always fancied a fresh old fashioned plain donut from our favourite coffee shop. Words cannot describe how missed he will be but although his stay here on Earth is short, his imprint will last on our hearts forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20



After a very difficult weekend we had to say goodbye to our sweet ‘little man’ Jaxson. We will miss his beautiful blue eyes, spunky personality and 16 years of snuggles.
Thank you to the staff at Southside Vets for their always compassionate care.



In loving memory of Buddy, our cherished companion. After only nine years, we had to bid farewell to the best friend anybody could ever have. Buddy, you brought boundless joy and love into our lives. We will forever miss seeing you floating in the pool on your pizza slice and swimming at the cottage. Your fear of fireworks and thunderstorms tugged at our hearts, and we always tried our best to keep you calm. You were the best at greeting us at the front door, wagging your tail with pure excitement. There is way too much room in the bed now.
Rest in peace, dear Buddy, you will be forever missed and eternally loved.



My Keisha was very special as she liked to "talk" A LOT!!! Every morning at precisely 6 AM she would meow at me and wrap herself around my legs until she got her breakfast - and again throughout the day for her favourite "Temptations".
This tiny little kitty also loved to take ownership of the dog's bed every chance she got! Keisha is missed terribly😭. She was my wee heartbeat❤️



Tuna Owen aka Tunes and Tuna Butt
For 12 years straight this strange creature brought nothing but light and joy to others. Always happy, wiggling and always ready for a dance party. She loved the beach, rolling in smells and being the little spoon in cuddles. She had the ability to drag you across the floor playing tug and preferred sneak attack kisses. She was stubborn, demanding of her favourite treats and fiercely protective of her humans. She won the hearts of literally anyone she encountered, even the moody cats she lived with and those who were frightened of large dogs.
Her sweet face and presence is sorely missed.
There will never be another like you, sweet girl.



It's impossible to forget a dog that gave you so much to remember.
We miss you more than words can say.



My dear darling Puddin’. My best and faithful life companion for so long. Look at his dear face looking up at me. He didn’t want to leave mommy and I didn’t want to lose him. I had Puddin’ since he was 10 weeks old. He grew to be a 20-22 lb. kitty cat. He was my baby. When he was put to rest, his vitals were good, his kidneys were good but painful other complications came. I maybe should have let him go sooner. I am beginning to accept that I did my best tho’ it is still hurting me and it always will when I sit and think about him. My love for him and our love for each other is helping me to go on. Thru Covid it was him and I, him and I. Forever I will remember him and I. My dear, dear Puddin’. Love forever…mommy oxoxox.



Bernie was a great best friend and protector. We were blessed to have him for 13yrs. He enjoyed traveling and spending time at Grandma’s house. He looked forward to daily walks, often getting more than 1, and lounging in the cool grass or on snow piles in the yard. He will be greatly missed.



Tessa was the sweetest little girl, who loved her brothers so much. She also loved her Duckie, her favourite toy who she carried everywhere. We miss you sweet girl.



Roxie was that one-of-a-kind dog who had all the zest for life and then some. And you could tell because she was always smiling. Roxie loved being at the center of everything there was to offer in this lifetime. By the water or in the sun is where you'd find her most likely grinning from ear to ear. Self proclaimed swimming champion, she could swim laps all day(no joke) whether it be in the pool or out in a river. Roxie loved all the treats she could handle(OK, mainly just the beef) and always enjoyed being groomed by her soulmate. Roxie Doodle had the ultimate butt wiggle that had defied all of physics and you couldn't help but take notice every time it happened. Roxie also enjoyed the finer and simpler aspects of life such as excavating the yard, chasing squirrels and getting into the garbage for the 47th time, you know, the simple things in life. Words cannot describe how missed she will be but although her stay here on Earth is short, her imprint will last on our hearts forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20



Darla was a sassy girl but her human mom’s baby, she loved treats and would follow you to the kitchen to get them. She also loved catnip and sleeping in her bed or random boxes . She will be missed terribly by her human mom. RIP fluff butt.



It is with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to our beloved Bootsie, who passed on April 16, 2024. Bootsie was a cherished member of our family. Despite her age, she approached life with grace and resilience, inspiring us with her strength and determination. We love and miss you, Bootsie.



From the moment we saw her at only 4 weeks old, we knew she was meant to be part of our family and we could hardly wait until we could bring her home.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to our precious girl on April 17th. Shelbie was our one of a kind red head – our constant companion in our retirement years who completely filled our home. Despite her many health challenges she was always a character - loving, feisty, determined and oh so silly. Her kitty sister Rosie is lost without her. We all miss her terribly.
Rest sweet girl – we will always love and remember you.

Sadie Grace


Sadie Grace came into our lives full of happy energy. Originally given the name Peaches, but it became clear to us that the name didn't fit her. While watching a TV show about a Sadie Hawkins dance, it clicked that Sadie fit her perfectly. The middle name, Grace, was from her birthplace in Graceville. We were fortunate to have her for almost 13 years. She loved life and people, not so much other animals. During her last week of life, she was still trying to walk & enjoy the outside Spring breeze and sunshine. Although my heart is broken without her, she is running free of pain with her Pug sister Molly Mae & human daddy Al in Heaven. This picture shows her usual expression, even at the groomers. Thank you to the staff at Southside Animal Clinic for their love and support through the years! My pets have always loved visiting this vet office! ❤



Chelsea was the cat that I grew up with, my parents brought her home just before I started grade 3 and I was the happiest girl. Chelsea was super shy at first and took a while to come out of her shell, the more she warmed up the more we got to see how sassy she was. She even got to learn some tricks too, she could sit, spin, and sit pretty. Towards her end she became super cuddly and super lovey which wasn’t normal for her she’s always been independent, but we all enjoyed it so much. She had a great 14 years with my family. I miss you so much my girl.

Wellington Boots


Wellington was loved so very much and will be missed by her Mom (Bridget), Dad (Kyle), and her brother Willy.
Welly gave us 17 years of pure love, she was the best nurse cat when you were sick, she had the best deep purrs, she loved to curl up by your feet and lick your toes!, she loved to play, lay in the sun, and go for backyard strolls.
We believe she has reunited with her sister Clemenza and her cousin Boss and only hope they are living it up wherever they are now.
Her mom was a young college student when she rescued a tiny barn cat. It may not have been the best time to take on a pet, but her Mom can assure you it was the best decision she has ever made.
We miss her so much, and will never forget her. Thank you so much Welly for loving us all these years, it was an honour to have you in our lives.
Miss you so much Boots. Xo



It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Lexi Rae. At 15 years old she had a long and eventful life. She loved walks, belly rubs, and shallow dips in the lake. She was an energetic puppy, a sweet and loyal adult, and a strong and determined senior. A great companion and lifelong friend, she will be greatly missed. Our love for her will never wane. Goodbye my sweet girl.



My precious boy Chance. He was my everything with his bigger than life personality and his sweet nature and unmatched intelligence of always wanting to please you.
I always said that he was the most perfect companion. I couldn't have been more proud of him. He had the sweetest face and it was like his eyes spoke to you in so many ways
I would be a millionaire if I had a dollar for all the wonderful compliments he got wherever we went.
It was my greatest honour to be his "mommy" and words cannot describe how empty life is without him.
Goodnight my sweet boy. Although you are no longer with me, your memory will be etched in my heart forever.
Chance T. J. ❤️



Adopted from PAWR Chatham and my beloved companion for 9 years. Finnegan travelled via car and plane, to PEI and Massachusetts, to cottages and beaches and many friends' homes. He sat on laps at campfires, games nights, and at London's summer music festivals. He loved cheese, avocado, tuna, and liver treats. His sassy bark and underbite grin will be very missed. He was so very loved.

Firbie Kat


It was a sad time as I saw Firbie getting old and tired each day that passed by. I was not sure if he was in pain however he never complained just slept most of the time in the sun and loved it out on the front porch.
He Blessed my life with 18 of his 20 years as I took him in when his family moved away. He was the most beautiful cat and only let me pick him up until he got older and let Shauna pick him up and finally get to hug him. He lived a good life and when he was not pleased with the weather he let me know…… did I say he had a habit of biting on occasion…. lol…. he loved to bite me when I tried to wash floors…..the motion of my hands cleaning the floor or dusting a table….. and especially when he was angry with the weather….I miss him and his rituals….every night he would let me know when it was time for bed and cuddles. He is now playing with his favourite companions Jake and Zander. Miss all my beloved babies who are again young and running free.



Apollo was my best friend, he always made me smile and loved me unconditionally, that’s something that I will always be grateful for. He brought so much joy to my life and continuously brightened up my days. He loved to play fetch, he could play for hours, he loved cuddles and treats, his favourite treats were broccoli, red pepper, banana and mango. He was always so happy and full of life, everyone always thought he was a puppy because he always had that puppy energy. Apollo was the best boy, and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime.



Beans was a beloved dog who brought endless joy to our lives. She loved chasing her ball, napping, visiting the cottage, and—of course—chewing on tissues, crayons, and clay. Her bark and playful spirit always made us smile. Beans will be deeply missed and fondly remembered.



Tibs was a sweet cat who shared over half my life with me. From my teenage years into adulthood, she was always by our side. She always brought joy, curled up in our laps or getting into playful trouble. Her absence has left a void in our home, and we deeply miss her calming presence. We miss you, Flung Flung!



Braedie gave us a life full of fun and adventure. He brought so much love and laughter to our home and is greatly missed. We'll meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. 🌈



"You were my favourite hello". From the moment I met you, 14 years ago, you were my entire world. My little shadow. My constant companion. Your enthusiastic greeting after a long day at work, or even after a short trip to the mailbox was happiness in it's purest form...for both of us. I looked forward everyday to your excited squeal, as soon as you heard the key in the door. And you never disappointed. Coming home isn’t the same anymore. I miss your greetings so much.
The silence at home now, without you there, is deafening. I miss hearing the tippy-tap of your little paws running down the hallway, with a squeaky toy in your mouth, ready to play. I miss your sweet little whine when you wanted to be carried upstairs. I miss your cute little snore as you settled into sleep every night. And I even miss how you were able to subtly hog a queen-sized bed. You often won that battle. But I was always happy to lose that fight.
I can't believe it's been a month since I last saw your sweet face, and hugged, and kissed and snuggled you. It was my favourite thing to do with you. I hope it was your favourite too.

But life is different now. The house is much quieter. The days are longer and a bit emptier without you. The impact you had on my life will stay with me forever, and I'm so grateful that you were in my life for 14 beautiful years. I didn’t realize 14 years would fly by so quickly. I will always miss you. And I will love you always, my sweet little Aiko. My Little Love. And you will always be “my hardest good bye”.



Growing up I always had golden retrievers. After our last dog passed away we were finally ready to welcome another furry friend into our lives and we were thinking of yet again another golden. Our neighbours at the time had a new addition to their home, their son rescued a black lab x Great Dane puppy that was found abandoned with her litter near the Cargill Corporation. One day my dad called my mom and told us to walk down the road to see our neighbours new puppy, I’ve never seen my Dad get out of his truck to pet a dog before (that’s my mom’s thing). Later after they brought her home my Dad and I were in Barrie helping my grandparents move while my mom had to stay home and work. My Dad, my grandparents and I were out for dinner when my Mom called quickly after she got home asking if we’d be interested in adopting our neighbours puppy as they’ve never had a dog of her size before. My Dad quickly looked at me and said it was my decision, it was an obvious and quick yes. That next day was Easter Sunday of 2013, I couldn’t shut up about going home and seeing her. Not long after adopting Bella I realized years before when I was little my cousin and I went to build a bear, I chose a black lab dog and ironically I named it Bella. I believe Bella chose us to be her family, I believe Bella was meant to be our dog. This morning at 4:53 am Bella crossed the rainbow bridge 🤍 Bella you were the smartest, sweetest, sassiest most loving dog any person could ever hope and dream for. I will miss your loud dane bark each and every day. I will forever look at those teeth marks you left on the baseboards in my room as a puppy and smile. Although spud never said yes to you coming to “live with us” I know he will miss bugging you and stealing your food that you’re not finished with. Most importantly, thank you Bella for choosing us to be your family, until we meet again my gentle giant.



Uhaul came to us from the street, I think 17 or 18 years ago. Turns out he lived down the street but he was always out in the cold. He basically adopted us. Apparently he was unknowingly in the neighbour's Uhaul truck; travelled from up north. So they called him Uhaul, but they didn't want him. He was my buddy, such a sweet boy, we had a connection. He could see into my soul.



Peanut was certainly a fraidy cat, but he loved to be brushed. He also showed up here. I found out where he lived because he had been tattooed. Once again, the owner didn't want him. He and Uhaul loved their indoor outdoor life. We were doorman; in and out at their command. I will be forever sad of their demise. Had we known of the coyotes they would have been safe inside at night.



My world just changed forever with the loss of my sweet Annie, who turned me from "I'm not a cat person" to "I can't live without her".
We gave each other 16 amazing years. She grounded me when I needed her, gave me a reason to live, saw me through the toughest of times.
I will miss you, my sweet Annie. Go find Grandma.



We always think, it's in the future, but the time has arrived,
when we had to say our good-byes to our beautiful girl Brooklyn.
We had the privilege of having spent 16 years of her 19 years.
There's not a room in the house, that we don't think of her.
If Angel's come in the form of cats, she's definitely one!



The day we went to meet the puppies Missy chose us as her parents from that moment on she gave us joy, laughter, and love she spoke volumes mom learn to speak dog language. She was a great friend. She brought us protection, exercise, comfort in our time of need and a big attitude she was the boss dog. She was a great listener. She was the perfect big sister to Daisy. She also owned her dad's heart she gave him the love of a first pet. She also brought awareness to our mother when she was having a seizure, which helped protect us as a family. Missy will always be missed and loved and remembered by all of us . Love mom, dad and little sister Daisy.

